Deschenes Hotel - Gatineau

Marcos, Bebidas, Bar
52 Ch Vanier, Gatineau, Quebec J9H 1X6, Canada, J9H1X6
Pratos: 1

Deschenes Hotel

2.5 / 5 por 4 Avaliação
52 Ch Vanier, Gatineau, Quebec J9H 1X6, Canada, J9H1X6




★ 2.5 / 5 por 4 Avaliação

A avaliação média do Deschenes Hotel é 2.5, indicando críticas mistas.

The first time a few weeks ago. I was the only customer there. Drink the bartender (Dave) for 1...

Let's be honest, the bar is not trying to be a high-class bar, its irrigation hole for locals a...


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