Warung Solo Jl. Bengkulu Tais, Cahaya Negeri, Ke...
Assim que tivermos para Warung Solo um cardápio de Bengkulu, publicaremos aqui. No meio tempo, sinta-se à vontade para conferir os cardápios da região. Ou nos ajude, ao enviar uma foto do cardápio aqui ao publicar.
Easy access, affordable price, delicious taste, minus is air circulation and quite hot in the a...
A restaurant with some tasty food...a ribs's grill is a recomended menu
It was way too far from the city center, and (for me) the taste was not as expected
Good job job job job jobs good job job job job good job job job job good job job job job good j...
The tongseng and sop are super tasty. Please try when you're in the area.