Costelas De Bebê em Schertz
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Cidade: Schertz, 17327 Interstate 35 North, Schertz, 78154, United States Of America

Costelas De Bebê preço média:
18 €

Costelas Baby Back
- Qty. 2 prateleiras (2,142g)

Caldo de carne bovina
- Qty. 1 quarto (960g)

Molho Barbecue
- Art: Condiments Qty. 2 xícaras (558g)

- Qty. 1 xícara (339g)
Essas avaliações referem-se apenas aos ingredientes mencionados.
I baked a slab in foil at 250 degrees for 4 hours. Used only dry rub during the bake. Slapped on some bbq sauce and finished them on the grill about 5 minutes per side. Excellent results!
Follow this recipe to a T over and over again. Each time it works like a charm! So easy to have delicious ribs at home now!
Had I known it was this easy to make delicious baby back ribs, I would have done it a long time ago! I did put a dry rub on them before the BBQ sauce as others suggested.