Batata Frita em Applecross (WA)
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Cidade: Applecross (WA), Avenue Michel Ange Michel Angelolaan 85, 1000 Ville De Bruxelles Stad Brussel, Belgium, 6153, Applecross (WA), Australia
American Express, Coquetéis, Acessível para cadeiras de rodas, Pagamento com cartão

Batata Frita preço média:
2 €
Essas avaliações referem-se apenas aos ingredientes mencionados.
This recipe was very easy to followThe only problem I had was the thickness after making the recommended cutsI ended cutting lengthwise for thinner and crisper chips.
This is a delicious, quick and easy bread to make. It is great for dipping into hummus, but also to serve with chicken salad . I did not gave chervil so I used basil and it was wonderful.
worked great. baked in toaster oven