Bolo De Caranguejo em Amman
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Cidade: Amman, Black Iris Street, Amman, Jordan
AMEX, MasterCard, Cartão Visa, Coquetéis

Bolo De Caranguejo preço média:
13 €
Essas avaliações referem-se apenas aos ingredientes mencionados.
These were amazing! I'd never made crab cakes before, but everyone said they were as good as a 5 star restaurant! They fell apart a bit as other reviewers said, but nothing unmanageable and cook
Good, but a little blandExamine crab for shells and cartilidge before adding to mix; and make sure you really press all the water out of the crab so they'll hold together better.
OMGoshI can't say enough about these crab cakeAs good as any I got in Maryland (and they have the best.) Definitely will make this one again.