Caril De Peixe em Vientiane
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Cidade: Vientiane, Vientiane, Laos, Lao People's Democratic Republic
"A beautiful little simple place that serves a fantastic Mutton Curry and Dahl makhini. My partner had the fish curry and the nasty breads were so good..."

Caril De Peixe preço média:
10 €

- Qty. 1.5 libras (680g)

Sal Kosher
- Qty. 12g

Pimenta Caiena
- Qty. 1 colher de chá (2g)

Cúrcuma Em Pó
- Qty. 1 colher de chá (3g)

Óleo de semente de uva
- Qty. 3 colheres de sopa (41g)

Sementes de Mostarda Marrom
- Qty. 1 colher de chá (2g)

Folhas de curry
- Qty. 3.5 unidades (2g)

- Qty. 0.5 colher de chá (2g)

Pedaço De Gengibre
- Qty. 1 unidade (60g)

- Qty. 5 cravo (15g)

Cebola Roxa
- Qty. 0g

Tomates Triturados
- Qty. 14 onças (397g)

Leite de coco sem açúcar
- Qty. 13.5 onças (383g)

Caldo de Frango
- Qty. 1 xícara (240g)

Folhas de coentro
- Qty. 0g

Arroz Basmati Cozido
- Qty. 0g

Arroz Selvagem
- Qty. 0g

- Qty. 0g

- Qty. 0g
Essas avaliações referem-se apenas aos ingredientes mencionados.
Followed the recipe but cut the salt in half and prepared the night before so after covering the fillets with the paste I covered the casserole with foil and put it in the fridge.
This was so good! It is a good way to make fish that is unique and deliciousThe balance of spices and the richness of the oil are the perfect complement to the blandness of fish.
A little too spicy. I'd cut back on some of the spices next time, but otherwise very tasty.