Lula Frita em Coolum Beach
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Cidade: Coolum Beach, 1775 - 1779 David Low Way Coolum Beach QLD 4573, Australia
Assentos, Estacionamento disponível, Televisão, Música ao vivo

Lula Frita preço média:
10 €

- Qty. 1 libra (454g)

Leite de manteiga
- Qty. 1 xícara (245g)

Óleo de canola
- Qty. 6 xícaras (1,308g)

Farinha de Uso Geral
- Qty. 1 xícara (125g)

Farinha de Arroz
- Art: Health Foods Qty. 1 xícara (158g)

Sal Kosher
- Qty. 1.5 colheres de chá (7g)

Alho em Pó
- Qty. 1 colher de chá (3g)

Pimenta Branca
- Qty. 0.5 colher de chá (1g)

- Qty. 1 servindo (58g)
Essas avaliações referem-se apenas aos ingredientes mencionados.
Came out great!! One crucial step to avoid chewiness is to soak the frozen calamari in cold water and baking soda for 30 minutes to an hour.
These are easy to make, and they tasted greatThe quality of the calamari rings I purchased (frozen) was not so good, and the finished product was too tough and chewy.
Recipe as written was good. Second time I made it I added a little seasoned salt and bread crumbs and thought it was even better. A solid recipe overall. Thanks