Salada De Pepino em Agoura Hills
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Salada De Pepino preço média:
4 €

Sementes de gergelim
- Qty. 50 gramas (50g)

- Qty. 1 colher de sopa (13g)

Molho de soja
- Qty. 2 colheres de sopa (32g)

- Qty. 3 colheres de sopa (44g)

- Qty. 1 unidade (301g)
Essas avaliações referem-se apenas aos ingredientes mencionados.
hallo jill, just as!!!!Classic!!!!Perfect!!! !Simply and quickly!!!!Lecker,Lecker! This whole thing about many recipes has not been necessary!So, please keep doing so and I look forward to more delicious recipes from you and the mother!
have they not yet been expressed? will definitely try it out immediately afterwards. gruß kallemaus
hallo kallemaus, the gurken need not be expressed. everything is used ;-) good appetit wishes jill