Legumes Sazonais em Perth
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Cidade: Perth, Crieff Road, Huntingtower Park Perth, Perth and Kinross PH1 3JJ, PH1 2SS, United Kingdom
Lareira, Reserva, Cartão Visa, AMEX

Legumes Sazonais preço média:
6 €
Essas avaliações referem-se apenas aos ingredientes mencionados.
In an effort to keep it low sodium, I used 2 c water, 2 tsp sodium free chicken bouillion, 2 cloves garlic and 1 tsp italian seasoning.
Fantastic! I used green beans, peppers, broccoli and carrots and for the broth I used Better Than Bouillon. This recipe is a keeper!
I used my own chicken broth instead of the can. Shrimp broth would be great too. I also added a little bit more spice for added flavor. It came out really tasty.