Camarões em Eggersdorf Bei Graz
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Cidade: Eggersdorf Bei Graz, Hauptstraße 46, 8063 Eggersdorf Bei Graz, Austria
"Top Lokal Gute teftige Speisen und super für diverse Feiern"

Camarões preço média:
9 €
Essas avaliações referem-se apenas aos ingredientes mencionados.
hallo kögi! So I find the combination great, we really tasted good. 5 stars of me! I'm sure there will be more soon! lg katinka
I am very pleased, thank you! grüssle kögi
hallo! super tasty - my family has tasted it very well! I have kept myself exactly to the recipe - it's all very well described - there's nothing wrong at all:-) it's gonna happen more often from now on! lg Rocky73