Batata Doce Frita em Dillsboro
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Cidade: Dillsboro, 2 Dills St, Dillsboro, USA, 28779, United States
Jantar privado, Área de estacionamento, Entrega, Reservas

Batata Doce Frita preço média:
5 €
Essas avaliações referem-se apenas aos ingredientes mencionados.
Quite good, using the oven method. The zipper bag to prepare was also a time saver.
Flavor was good even though they were kind of soggyDon't think you can really get fry texture unless you deep fry! Didn't really measure the seasoning just sprinkled it on to our taste.
Tried the recipe as written and family enjoyed. Since they like spicy think I might amp it up at bit more next time.