Avaliação da contribuiçãoI was able to kill time while waiting for the train by having tea here. The grape manju had a really nice grape flavor and was delicious. I recommend the wagashi shaped like sweet potatoes, the wagashi that combines dorayaki and warabi mochi, as well as the arare rice crackers which were tasty when eaten with the wagashi. The matcha and two manju set was in the 500 yen range, while the bancha and two manju set was 330 yen. Matcha on its own was around 290 yen and could be enjoyed inside the store. You can also buy your favorite wagashi and eat it inside the store. They will probably serve you tea. The matcha portion is small. There are about 5 seats available, so if they are free, you can take a tea break. ^^
This restaurant has been around for over 50 years. You can enjoy seasonal treats such as chestnuts and strawberries, with a more subdued sweetness than in the past.
"I tried the popular grape manju from across the sea" I had it for the first time in a while. It was my first time entering the store. I remember the nostalgic time when the train stopped at Anabuki Station and the saleswoman sold "Budo Manju" through the window. Inside the package that used to look like it was full of grape manju, there is now only one manju. In addition to the regular flavor, there were also seasonal flavors such as "spring strawberry" and "white peach".
「ぶどう饅頭 日之出本店」 創業は大正3年の超老舗です。ぶどう饅頭は「 '武道 '饅頭」とも言われます。徳島県・穴吹は”武道信仰”で名を馳せる霊峰・剣山の玄関口には毎夏、多くの人が参拝に訪れていました。初代・西川芳太郎は何かお客様にいいお土産物はないかと思案し、そして生み出したのがぶどう饅頭です。(HP説明文より) 初代・西川芳太郎さんは、あるとき森永製菓初代社長・森永太一郎氏と出会い、森永氏との交流をきっかけに、その当時大ヒット商品であった「森永キャラメル」から想を得て”餡にミルクを練り込む”ことを思いついたそう。そのハイカラな味は、当時の人に熱狂的に支持されましたそうです。 地元の材料を使って美味しいお菓子を作ってくれています。 どれもこれも美味しい!私にはわらび餅が絶品でした。
穴吹駅前にある和菓子屋さん。 ぶどうを型どった饅頭?のぶどう饅頭が名物です。店内でも喫茶できるので、駅の電車待ちにどうぞ。