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Avaliação da contribuiçãoA ramen shop run by a couple. You can get soy sauce ramen on Wednesday and Saturday. Soups such as dried bonito were effective, so it was a very tasty soup. I like it personally, but there may be people who feel. Added charshoe rice ball. I would like to eat Tonkotsu ramen and Chibadon. The kitchen is very clean from the counter. The back of the ticket machine and the table were cut out. If you have too many rice, you can choose "Choi" by service. It is very delicious if you eat with seaweed, white sesame, Wasabi ramen rest soup. The owner and his wife were very kind, and it was very good. Please explain carefully because there is a open time.
A ramen shop run by a couple. You can get soy sauce ramen on Wednesday and Saturday. Soups such as dried bonito were effective, so it was a very tasty soup. I like it personally, but there may be people who feel. Added charshoe rice ball. I would like to eat Tonkotsu ramen and Chibadon. The kitchen is very clean from the counter. The back of the ticket machine and the table were cut out. If you have too many rice, you can choose "Choi" by service. It is very delicious if you eat with seaweed, white sesame, Wasabi ramen rest soup. The owner and his wife were very kind, and it was very good. Please explain carefully because there is a open time.
Umm.... Even if I say soy sauce ramen with a clear soup that doesn 't get cloudy, in this restaurant 's case it 's a fine pork bone ramen , so I hope there 's no mistake or confusion about that. Tonkotsu Kiyoyu Soup is also on the store POP. Furthermore, the standard [strongly cloudy tonkotsu soup] of this restaurant is also soy sauce ramen like many other tonkotsu ramen shops in Kyushu and Fukuoka, so I hope there is no confusion or misunderstanding. Thank you for your understanding. That 's right, most tonkotsu ramen is shoyu ramen. There are other shops that mainly serve salt ramen, but they are very few in total. Every Wednesday and Saturday at this restaurant, they serve Tonkotsu Seiyu, which is a seasonal combination. Although it is a clear soup, it is finished with so-called tonkotsu seiyu , in which the pork bones and joints are carefully cooked without boiling. Still, except for Wednesday and Saturday, it 's the standard white water finish. It 's not the elegant white water of Chinese cuisine, but the standard Kyushu ramen shop 's soup, which is a white water finish with a strong cloudy emulsion emulsified made by boiling pork bones over high heat for a long time. This general style is familiar as so-called pork bone ramen in Kyushu and Fukuoka after the war. However, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the [soup specification] of this restaurant is finished with clear clear water. However, on the day of Seiyu, it is a combination of pork bones with a joint technique to bring out the soup stock and umami, so at least it is not pure pork bones . This is the result of the ingenuity of a natural-oriented general who is enthusiastic about research and keeps umami seasonings to a minimum. This may be similar to the Chinese cuisine ``seiyu ' ', but I think it 's more like the technique of ``consommé ' ' in Western cuisine. ... So, depending on the day of the week, the clear hot water and white hot water will be replaced, but the other day, on Thursday, I went to the standard pork bone strong cloudy white hot water finish day, I received Lemon Ramen Double: 880 yen. The posted photo is from that time. Plenty of lemon slices are laid out, and grilled pork is hidden under it. The noodles are 24 straight and the orthodox type, but I think the soft noodles go well with this restaurant 's soup, so next time I 'll definitely try the soft noodles. It seems that he tried lemon ramen with the pork bone clear hot water , but the general said that the strong cloudy white hot water seems to be a better match. Ah, Tomato Ramen and Tandan Noodles seem to go better with Tonkotsu Seiyu . Next time, I 'd like to eat the Tomato Ramen at Tonkotsu Seiyu . It was my first visit to this restaurant in about a year and a half, and I felt that the soup was a little stronger than before. I haven 't changed it, but I 'm always trying to come up with something... , but that 's right. I 'm the owner of a criminal record and my wife is worried about it, so if you eat it for the first time in a while, it wouldn 't be strange if the soup specifications changed slightly. Basically, it is a so-called natural soup and flavor finish that refrains from using umami seasonings as much as possible, resulting in a gentle finish. In particular, lemon ramen is a good idea because the citrus fruit juice goes well with the strong cloudy soy sauce sauce soup. It 's a natural soup, so I don 't put red pickled ginger. It may come out if you ask for it, but it doesn 't have any sarcasm or odor of pork bones, so you don 't need to add red pickled ginger to suppress it. Nowadays, pork bone ramen shops that don 't have many peculiarities no longer need red ginger. I remember when I wasn 't there... As an aside, the recent Ogura specialty dogidogi udon has a very refined and gentle taste with kelp soup, and there is no need to erase the odor or sarcasm with rubbed ginger or hawk 's claws. All of the restaurants are extremely gentle and delicious, so I don 't need ginger or anything else... I 'm sure it 's easier and tastier. ・・・Well, if you like the traditional ramen of Kitakyushu or Chikuho, which is characterized by the powerful soy sauce sauce that comes with a punch, you may feel a little weak as if you were missing something... , but naturally. It has a gentle flavor that is unique to the school, so I think it is a delicious ramen nowadays. For those of you who are accustomed to the gritty “pork bone strong cloudy soy sauce ramen”, sometimes such a gentle taste is good Original あのぉ~…… 濁らないクリアスープの「醤油ラーメン」って言ったって、この店の場合は立派な『豚骨ラーメン』ですからね、皆様その点お間違いと混乱の無い様に願います。 店内POPにも「豚骨清湯スープ」ってありますしね。 更にはこの店のスタンダード【強白濁豚骨スープ】のラーメンも、他の九州・福岡の多くの豚骨ラーメン店に同じく「醤油ラーメン」ですからね、これも混乱と誤解の無い様に願います、ご理解願います。 そうです、ほとんどの豚骨ラーメンは醤油ラーメンです。それ以外の塩ラーメンをメインで出してる店も有りますが全体からすれば極少数ですね。 この店の毎週水曜日と土曜日は節系合わせの『豚骨清湯』です。 クリアスープですけれども豚骨と節系を丁寧に、沸騰させずにじっくりと炊き上げるいわゆる『豚骨清湯』仕上げです。 それでも水・土曜日以外はスタンダードの『白湯』仕上げですね。 それも中華料理的な上品な白湯でなく、九州のラーメン屋さん的にスタンダードな「豚骨をゴリゴリ強火で長時間炊き出した強白濁エマルジョン(乳化)での『白湯』仕上げ」のスープですね。 この一般的スタイルは戦後の九州・福岡ではいわゆる「豚骨ラーメン」としておなじみです。 しかし、この店の水曜日と土曜日の【スープの仕様】は、色合いの澄んだ清湯仕上げだというわけです。 ただ清湯の日は豚骨に節系を加えた合わせ技で、出汁・旨味をじっくり引き出してるってことですね、だから少なくとも「純豚骨」ではありません。 研究熱心で旨味調味料を極力抑える自然派志向の大将が工夫を凝らした結果のなせる業です。 これは中華料理の「清湯」に近いでしょうが、それよりもむしろ西洋料理での「コンソメ」をひく技法に近いと思います、手間暇がかかりますねぇ、ご苦労な事です。 ・・・ってなわけでこの店曜日によって「清湯」と「白湯」が代わるわけなんですが、先日、木曜日に、スタンダード=「豚骨強白濁白湯仕上げ」の日に行って来まして、「レモンラーメン@ダブル:880円」をいただいてきました。 投稿写真はその時のものです。 レモンスライスがたっぷりと敷き詰められていまして、その下に焼豚が隠れています。 麺線は24番ストレートでオーソドックスなタイプですが、この店のスープにはやわ麺が合うなぁ…ってやはり思いますので次回は是非ともやわ麺にします。 件の「豚骨清湯」でもレモンラーメンを試したそうですが、やはり「強白濁白湯」の方が相性がよろしいそうですね、大将がそう言ってました。 あっ、「トマトラーメン」と「担々麺」は『豚骨清湯』の方が合うそうですよ。 次回は『豚骨清湯』でその「トマトラーメン」が食べたいです。 この店には自身約一年半ぶりの訪問でしたからか、以前に比べて少しスープに力強い濃さを感じまして、大将に「炊き方変えました?」って聞いたら、「別に大きくは変えてませんけども、まあ、いつも何やら工夫をしてるつもりなので…」ってましたが、そうです、この方、既述の如く真面目で研究熱心で、根を詰め過ぎて体壊しちゃう…って前科の持ち主で奥さんが心配してるくらいですからね、久しぶりに食べたら微妙にスープ仕様が変わってても不思議じゃぁありませんねぇ…それもこの店の良さ=個性だと思うので自分的には賛成です。 基本的に極力旨味調味料等を控えるいわゆる自然派のスープや味わいの仕上げ方なので、結果的に優しい仕上がりになってます。 特にレモンラーメンは柑橘系果汁が強白濁醤油ダレスープに相性がよろしくなかなかの趣向です、美味しゅうございます。 自然派のスープ設えですからね、ゆえに紅ショウガは置いてません。 頼めば出てくるかもしれませんが、豚骨の嫌味や臭味などは全くありませんから、それを抑える目的で添加する紅ショウガは必要ないということですね、お見事です。 最近の癖の少ない豚骨ラーメン店はどこも既に紅ショウガが必要なくなってますね、昭和40年代くらいまでは紅ショウガだのニンニクだの摺ゴマだのをたっぷり添えなけりゃ臭くて・どぎつくて喰えなかった頃を思い出しますねぇ・・・ 余談ですが、最近の小倉名物ドギドギうどんも、ちゃんと昆布出汁が効いて非常に洗練されて丁寧な優しい味わいになっちまって、摺ショウガやら鷹の爪やらで、臭味や嫌味を消す必要のない至極優しく美味しい仕上がりの店ばかりになってますから、もう、生姜も何もいりませんねぇ…その分食べやすくて美味しくなってることは確かですけれども。。。 ・・・んで、ガツンと来る醤油ダレの力強さが特性の北九州や筑豊の昔ながらのラーメン好きにはちょっと弱く(ポカっと抜けた様にも…)感じてしまうかもしれませんが、自然派特有の優しい旨味なのでそれはそれで今時の美味しいラーメンであると思います。 ゴリゴリの「豚骨強白濁醤油ダレラーメン」に慣れた皆さんにこそ、時にはこんな優しい味わいもよろしゅおすええ~~
Here, homemade burnt green onion ramen is a normal ramen, so I ordered it. Personally, I don 't like the salty soup and the salty chashu pork. Also, it was impressive that the cook was in a hurry and dropped the cooking utensils about three times. ここでは「自家製焦がしネギラーメン」が普通のラーメン、との事でそれを注文。個人的には塩気が強めのスープ、更に塩気が強いチャーシューと、少し苦手な部類です。 あと、作ってくださる大将が慌てていたのか、調理器具を3回ほど落として騒がしかったのが印象的でした。
国道沿いですが少し奥に建物があるんで下り車線から見えにくいし交通量も多いんで気づき難いんですよね 水土曜は醤油ラーメンだけみたいなんで食べに行く時は注意ですね とは言え醤油ラーメンは優しい味でなかなか美味いかも 店員さんも人柄が良く親しみやすい店だと思います たまたま土曜に行ったんで次回は他の曜日で食べてみたいですね