Frango Búfalo em Glens Falls
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Cidade: Glens Falls, 4 Sagamore St, Glens Falls, NY 12801-3154, United States, Afghanistan
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Frango Búfalo preço média:
9 €
Coxas de frango
- Qty. 1.5 quilogramas (1,500g)
Coxas de frango
- Qty. 1.5 quilogramas (1,500g)
Sal marinho
- Qty. 180 gramas (180g)
Açúcar Mascavo Escuro
- Qty. 90 gramas (90g)
Flocos de pimenta
- Art: Spices and Seasonings Qty. 2 colheres de sopa (11g)
Essas avaliações referem-se apenas aos ingredientes mencionados.
I'm from Buffalo NY we don't simmer the wings in the sauce, we put the sauce in a huge stainless steal mixing bowl and we toss the wings until coated.
My favorite wing recipe!
I loveeeeee this recipe! I have a deep fryer and followed the recipe just as it says, but I did cook them for 15mins instead of 10 and I didn't add any salt.