Cidade: Cologne, 222 A Etzelstraße, Cologne, Germany, 50739
"Also gut, es gibt wirklich viel bessere Burgerläden in Köln, wieder muss ich nicht wirklich bestellen, das Fleisch war fade und die Pommes waren eine..."
"Was Piccola von anderen unterscheidet, ist, dass man offensichtlich auf die Fahne geschrieben hat, auch die Qualität des Restaurants zu liefern. Ander..."
soou, baked the pizza and uploaded a picture. the teig was really great, for that very big praise. after I have kneaded him for 10 minutes by hand he was supple as usual and he also went super. However, the tomatensauce was to me personally too inten...
I've rubbed the **** mozzarella with the hands over the pizza very fine, so I have to say that was really great. will soon be uploading a photo. achja a question, do you give the basilicum leaves before baking on the pizza?
here is a small tip how the pizza gets a bit more color: the water content of 64% is a bit too high for the normal oven at home. Try it with about 60.% or 300 ml of water, and the half oil. mike from San francisco