Naan em Berchem
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Cidade: Berchem, Gitschotellei 221, Berchem, Belgium
"Lamsbyriani is slecht gekruid.ik heb betere gegeten."

Naan preço média:
3 €
Essas avaliações referem-se apenas aos ingredientes mencionados.
Fluke accident or amazing recipe? I messed up so many times making this recipe, I was sure it would come out wrongEven with many mistakes made, it came out AMAZING.
I did it exactly as the recipe said and I'm sooo disappointed Try medium heat low heat and these came up like thick tortillas or like Salvadorean pupusas Tried thinning them up, buter,
I made this yesterday and it was soooo deliciousMy husband and my best friend we're going nuts over itVery easy recipe to do.